Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Junk Shadow

This first junk shadow is a very fun activity to do, because it needs a lot of teamwork. The Project was to use junk we found around the room and make a picture of it. The picture we made was a flying saucer flying above a town causing lots of mischief. I like this because the hat we used to make it makes a perfect flying saucer.

Value Scale

This is a MONSTER TRUCK that i drew using a value scale. With this picture im not too pleased because it apears that I am afraid of the dark, because there are not many darks. The lights are there where they are required but there should be more darks. The shape and look of the truck is nice, but some nice shading would make it look much more realistic.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Reducing Image Levels
This picture was fun to do because it made the picture have a completely different look in such a simple way. The picture is only four different shades of grey and black. This taught me that just adjusting the color of a picture can make it look so different. Below this is a picture of 2 flying squirrels, one with a shadow, and another without one. The shadow makes the image POP off the page and look much more realistic. This was also very simple to do but made the picture come out so much better.

Flying Squirrel Drop Shadow

Monday, February 4, 2013

I liked to do this landscape of Rhinos walking on the water. The reflections took a lot of time to do and it was worth while. The rhinos were fun to do although, because it addd more creativity to the peice. My favorite part of the picture would be the reflections.

This is my hand painting. It is not my hand but i painted on the hand myself. This project was fun because it was very different than what paiting on a normal canvas is like. I was very pleased with this painting because i had lots of help on it from my very talented and beautiful teacher, Mr. Sands. Mr. Sands' input on the painting tied it all together, because of his amazing art skills. The hardest part about this project was being able to keep the same point of veiw on the hand because of hand being able to move and I was being distracted by the beautiful looks of my art teacher.